30th Pan Pacific Congress – Asti Widyahari | SHORT EDITED | PPC


Digitizing Valuation Industry in Indonesia by Asti Widyahari

30th Pan Pacific Congress – Asti Widyahari | SHORT EDITED | PPC

  • Originally, the presentation took 15 minutes.
  • This is the short edited version one!
  • Just pause the video to capture the detail! Enjoy!

About PPC:

The Pan Pacific Congress (PPC) of Real Estate Appraisers, Valuers, and Counsellors was first organized by Australia, America, and New Zealand in Sydney, Australia, in 1959. The congress aims to connect the various appraisal or valuation institutes in Pacific Basin and provide a forum for members to share and learn appraisal- or valuation-related knowledge from each other. The event takes place every two years in the host countries and is organized by the professional appraisal or equivalent bodies of member countries.

Some memories of PPC 30th:

Instagram Post 1 -> https://www.instagram.com/p/CToQeOnBMLe/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Instagram Post 2 -> https://www.instagram.com/p/CUpP61NBcRe/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

About Asti Widyahari:

Asti Widyahari (Ministry of Finance Magazine):



Linkedin: https://id.linkedin.com/in/niluhastiwidyahari


Digital disruption will not suffer the valuation industry overnight. The industry does still have time. Those that can align with this shift will succeed in tomorrow’s world by valuation expertise, collaboration, and strategic thinking.




Asti Widyahari

Property Valuer & Advisor

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Penilaian.id oleh Asti Widyahari

Property Valuer & Advisor