Safe Tips for Sharing a Copy of Your Property Certificate with Others

Safe Tips for Sharing a Copy of Your Property Certificate with Others

Safe Tips for Sharing a Copy of Your Property Certificate with Others

This article was inspired by questions submitted to the YouTube channel. Thanks for the questions! Let’s discuss this topic.

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Pertanyaan di Youtube

Question: “Is it safe to give a copy of the property certificate to others? Thank you.”

Answer: Make sure you know and trust the person to whom you’re giving a copy of the certificate and consider adding a marking or watermark (with their name is better) to the copy of your certificate.

Follow-up Question: If it’s being submitted to a Public Appraisal Office (KJPP) for appraisal purposes, is it safe? Thank you.

Answer: The appraisal profession adheres to five core ethical principles: integrity, objectivity, competence, confidentiality, and professional behavior.

Regarding property certificates, confidentiality is key:

“Maintain the confidentiality of information obtained in professional and business relationships, and do not disclose such information to third parties without permission, nor use it for personal gain or for the benefit of a third party (unless required by applicable law).”

Safe Tips for Sharing a Copy of Your Property Certificate with Others from for Sharing Your Property Certificate:

  1. Make sure you know and trust the Public Appraiser/KJPP/Appraiser you choose. If you don’t know them well, check their profile, credibility, or, as a last step, verify their license from the Ministry of Finance.
  2. Avoid giving the original certificate. Always keep the original documents of property ownership and other related data for yourself. Only provide a copy, and consider adding a marking or watermark on the certificate copy.
  3. When sharing data, including a certificate copy (not only with appraisers), use a medium that has a history or track record. If the data is sent in softcopy, you can use email to have proof that the data was sent by you to the recipient.

We hope this is helpful!

To learn more about the ethical principles, you can read the 2018 KEPI-SPI book (Indonesian Appraisal Code of Ethics and Standards), available here: KEPI-SPI Book Link.

Regards, by Asti Widyahari
Property Valuer & Advisor


This article in Indonesian Language: – Ketahui estimasi harga wajar properti maupun nilai properti secara mudah hanya di Sekarang! oleh Asti Widyahari

Property Valuer & Advisor